The Challenges GUD GUT was designed to overcome…

80-90% of performance horses have Equine Gastric Ulcers or a poorly functioning Digestive System. Both occurrences can have a huge impact on your horse’s physical health, appearance, performance, well being and their mental state.

Equine Gastric Ulcers or poorly functioning Digestive Systems, can lead to loss of condition which affects overall performance, colic, acidosis, laminitis and behavioural issues such as: kicking back, resistance, crib-biting etc.

The most common reasons why horses are prone to Equine Gastric Ulcers and Poorly Functioning Digestive Systems are limited turnout time, meeting energy requirements by feeding additional non-necessary hard feed which can be hard to digest, poorly managed feeding routines that create acidosis in the hindgut, heavy exercise that influences the digestive process, sand intake and build up from grazing as well as changes in the horse’s health in relation to suppliance of antibiotics, wormers, occurrence of illness or over-stressing.

GUD GUT Consumer Before Picture

GUD GUT Consumer After Picture

GUD GUT’s mission is to fight these challenges in an all-natural, low risk, non-invasive, easy to use and tasty manner. To help aid in our horse’s mental and physical wellbeing.”